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Local Planning Agency (LPA) – August 10, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: August 10, 2023
Time: at 5:30 PM
Location: Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Ave.,
Stuart, Florida 34994

On August 10, 2023, at 5:30 PM, the Local Planning Agency (LPA) met at the Commission Chambers at 121 SW Flagler Ave., Stuart, Florida. Head of Committee Kelly Laurine chaired the meeting. Vice Chair Margaret Bromfield, Board people Donald Cuozzo, Laura Giobbi, William Mathers, Ryan Strom, and Ex Officio Board Member Mark Sechrist were among the other people present. There was still one open board seat. Susej T. Meleqi, the board secretary, and Jodi Nentwick-Kugler, the director of development, were also present.

Call to Order:

Promptly at 5:30 PM, Chair Kelly Laurine welcomed everyone in attendance and called the meeting to start.

Roll Call:

Roll call was led by board secretary Susej T. Meleqi, who also noted the open positions and verified that all board members were present.

Pledge of Allegiance:

All those present stood in unison as Chair Kelly Laurine led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was presented by Chair Laurine for approval. The board took a unanimous vote to adopt the agenda.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes from the June 8, 2023, LPA meeting were brought forward for approval. The minutes were approved without opposition following a quick examination.

Public Comments (Non-Agenda Related):

The public was given the opportunity to speak the board on topics not on the agenda during the open comment time. A maximum of three minutes were allotted to each speaker to present their opinions.

Comments by Board Members (Non-Agenda Items):

The board members utilized the occasion to express their opinions on non-agenda items, talking about a range of community-related subjects and issues.

Action Item:

LDC Amendment in Relation to US-1/Federal Highway Street Tree Master Plan and Program (RC):

Ordinance No. 2520-2023, which was about restating and revising the city’s Land Development Code, was moved for discussion by the board. More specifically, Chapter XI and Chapter XII Definitions, Sections 2.04.06 and 3.01.03, and Section 11.01.03 were to be changed. Urban standards and rules for applications for minor development plans and designated urban subdistricts were the focus of the proposed amendments. Following a long deliberation, the board decided to approve the ordinance.

Staff Update:

In addition to answering questions from the board, Development Director Jodi Nentwick-Kugler gave an update on current and future projects while showcasing recent successes.

The Local Planning Agency (LPA) meeting on August 10, 2023, came to an end, covering a number of issues vital to the expansion and development of the city. The attendees and the board showed their dedication to community involvement and efficient urban development.

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