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East Stuart Historical Advisory Committee – July 11, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: July 11, 2023
Time: at 3:00 PM
Location: Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Ave.
Stuart, Florida 34994

Call to Order

The Board Secretary, Susej T. Meleqi, officially opened the East Stuart Historical Advisory Committee meeting at 3:00 PM. The following Board members were present, establishing a quorum:

Administrative personnel, including Executive CRA Director Pinal Gandhi-Savdas, were present at the meeting as well.

Roll Call

The administrative staff and all seven Board Members were present when the roll call was taken.

Pledge of Allegiance

To begin the meeting, everyone present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Oaths of Office for Advisory Committee Members:

Kimberly McHardy Grant and Charlene Thompson, two newly appointed members of the Advisory Committee, took the oath of office to pledge their dedication to carrying out their responsibilities on the body.

  1. Appointment of Chair:

After debate, the Board decided to name Albert Brinkley the chair of the East Stuart Historical Advisory Committee by a unanimous vote.

  1. Appointment of Vice Chair:

Following additional discussion, the Board unanimously chose Betty Brinkley to serve as the committee’s vice chair.

Approval of Agenda

The proposed agenda for the meeting was distributed to the Board for approval. Following a review of the issues, the agenda was approved as is.

Approval of Minutes

The previous meeting’s minutes on June 27, 2023 were made available for approval. The Board went over the minutes and, after concluding that they were accurate, approved them without raising any issues.

Comments by Board Members (Non-Agenda Items)

Board members had the chance to voice any remarks or issues that weren’t on the agenda during this agenda item. Members talked about several historical preservation activities they would like to explore in East Stuart and expressed their gratitude for the chance to participate on the group.

Action Items

  1. Update to East Stuart MASTER PLAN:

Resolution No. 09-2023 CRA was delivered to the Board by Executive CRA Director Pinal Gandhi-Savdas. In the resolution, it was requested that the East Stuart Master Plan be updated. The Board resolved unanimously to approve Resolution No. 09-2023 CRA after giving the suggested revisions careful thought and debate. The Board of Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Stuart, Florida, will now be presented with the approved resolution for final approval. The resolution contains clauses addressing conflicts, severability, the start date, and other pertinent issues.

Staff Updte

  1. Interim City Attorney Presenting on Public Records and Public Meetings

The Interim City Attorney spoke to the Board and gave an educational presentation on topics pertaining to public records and public meetings. The lecture touched on the significance of abiding by the law when it comes to meetings and records in order to maintain openness and adherence to state rules.


All issues on the agenda have been covered, according to Board Secretary Susej T. Meleqi. At 4:15 PM, the meeting was adjourned because there was no more business to be discussed.

This report is a true and accurate account of what happened at the July 11, 2023, meeting of the East Stuart Historical Advisory Committee.

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