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Community Redevelopment Board (CRB) – August 01, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: August 1, 2023
Time: at 4:00 PM
Location: Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Ave.,
Stuart, Florida 34994

On August 1, 2023, the Community Redevelopment Board (CRB) met in Stuart, Florida’s Commission Chambers. Tom Campenni presided over the meeting, which got underway on time at 4:00 PM. Board members Chris Lewis, Frank McChrystal, and Seth Owens were also present. There were still two open spots on the board. The CRA Executive Director Pinal Gandhi-Savdas and the Board Secretary Susej T. Meleqi were also in attendance.

Call to Order:

The meeting was officially opened by chair Tom Campenni, who also welcomed the board members.

Roll Call:

The roll call was given by Board Secretary Susej T. Meleqi, who noted the attendance of Board Members Chris Lewis, Frank McChrystal, and Seth Owens as well as Chair Tom Campenni, Vice Chair Nikolaus Schroth. It was reported that there were two open board posts.

Pledge of Allegiance:

The Pledge of Allegiance was spoken to open the gathering.

Approval of Agenda:

The meeting’s agenda was laid up for approval. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Vice Chair Nikolaus Schroth and seconded by Board Member Chris Lewis. The plan of business was accepted by all.

Approval of Minutes:

The previous CRB meeting’s minutes on July 11, 2023 were made available for approval. Board Member Seth Owens seconded a proposal by Vice Chair Nikolaus Schroth to approve the minutes. There were no challenges to the minutes’ approval.

Comments from the Public (Non-Agenda Related):

The floor was offered for audience members to speak their minds on subjects not on the agenda. Three people seized the chance to address the board, each speaking for the allotted three minutes.

Comments by Board Members (Non-Agenda Items):

CRB board members engaged the audience in open debate by offering their opinions on topics not officially included in the agenda.

Action Items:

  • Request from 151 NW Flagler, LLC – Public Art Conditional Use:
    The board discussed a proposal for a minor urban code conditional use from 151 NW Flagler, LLC to erect public art, specifically a wrap for the Willis Custom Yacht Facility’s front façade. Chair Tom Campenni invited a move after a lengthy discussion. Vice Chair Nikolaus Schroth seconded the motion made by Board Member Frank McChrystal to approve the public art installation’s conditional use permit under the minor urban code. The vote was unanimous in favor of the proposition.
  • Business Improvement Reimbursement Program Applications:
    The Business Improvement Reimbursement Program submissions for Cycle #2 of FY 2023 were examined by the CRB. Each application was thoroughly discussed, taking into account how it might affect community redevelopment initiatives. Upon further consideration and verification, the board agreed to proceed with the applications.
  • US-1/Federal Highway Street Tree Master Plan and Program:
    The US-1 Federal Highway Street Tree Master Plan and Program was up for consideration by the board, and it was intended to be approved and adopted. The resolution was presented to a vote following a thorough examination. Vice Chair Nikolaus Schroth seconded a motion to adopt the resolution made by Board Member Chris Lewis. The decision was universally supported.
  • LDC Amendment for Street Tree Master Plan:
    The board then turned its focus to Ordinance No. 2520-2023, which sought to amend the City’s Land Development Code in order to comply with the US-1/Federal Highway Street Tree Master Plan and Program. The ordinance’s implications were carefully discussed. Vice Chair Nikolaus Schroth seconded a motion by Board Member Seth Owens to approve the ordinance change. The vote to amend the ordinance was unanimous.
  • TRAM Program Action Plan:
    The TRAM (Trolley System) Program Action Plan was the subject of an extensive debate by the board. Board members discussed their perspectives on the advantages and difficulties of putting the program into action. Before making a decision, more investigation and evaluation were advised.

Staff Update:

Pinal Gandhi-Savdas, the executive director of the CRA, gave an update on current initiatives, projects, and community redevelopment-related developments. The openness and thoroughness of the information exchanged were appreciated by the board.


Tom Campenni, the meeting’s chair, moved to adjourn the meeting after all items on the agenda had been addressed and discussed. Vice Chair Nikolaus Schroth seconded the motion,

The Community Redevelopment Board meeting on August 1, 2023, promoted fruitful communication between board members, stakeholders, and the general public. Various issues important to Stuart, Florida’s continuing rebuilding initiatives were covered in the discussions.

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