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Community Redevelopment Board (CRB) – September 05, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: September 5, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Ave.,
Stuart, Florida 34994

Call to Order:

Tom Campenni, the Community Redevelopment Board (CRB) conference’s chair, declared the meeting open at 4:00 PM.

Roll Call:

The roll call was conducted by board secretary Susej T. Meleqi in the presence of all board members.

Pledge of Allegiance:

All in attendance said the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Oath of Office for Two (2) Advisory Board Members:

After taking the oath of office, two new advisory board members were admitted into the Community Redevelopment Board.

Approval of Agenda:

Without any opposition, the meeting’s agenda was adopted.

Approval of Minutes:

The board went over and approved the minutes from the previous meeting, which took place on August 1, 2023.

Comments from the Public (Non-Agenda Related) (3 Minutes Max.):

With a 3 minute time limit per speaker, the public was given the chance to address the board regarding topics unrelated to the agenda.

Comments by Board Members (Non-Agenda Items):

Board members commented on matters that were not on the agenda.

Action Items:

  1. Nominate Board Member for Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA):

A candidate for the board to represent the Community Redevelopment Agency was discussed and chosen by the board. The nominee was chosen, and the minutes of the meeting included their name.

  1. CRA Budget and CIP for FY 2024 (RC):

The board was provided with a resolution marked Resolution No. 11-2023 CRA for approval. The Community Redevelopment Agency’s budget was laid out in this resolution for the fiscal year that runs from October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024. The board gave its approval to the resolution following a lengthy deliberation.

Staff Update:

The board received an update from CRA Executive Director Pinal Gandhi-Savdas on a number of issues pertaining to community revitalization and organization activities.


Tom Campenni, the conference’s chair, adjourned the meeting because there was no more business to be covered.

The Community Redevelopment Board (CRB) meeting conducted in Stuart, Florida on September 5, 2023 is summarized in this report. Important decisions were taken during the meeting and all agenda topics were covered.

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