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Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting in Stuart, Florida – June 26, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: June 26, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Ave.
Stuart, Florida 34994

The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting was held on June 26, 2023, at 5:00 PM in the Commission Chambers located at 121 SW Flagler Ave., Stuart, Florida. The meeting aimed to address several action items related to the Downtown Tram Service and other initiatives to promote micro-transit service and enhance the aesthetics within the city limits.

  1. Call to Order

The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and welcomed all attendees.

  1. Presentation on the Downtown Tram Service

A presentation was given to provide an overview of the Downtown Tram Service. The presentation included information on the tram routes, schedule, ridership statistics, and the benefits of the micro-transit service for the downtown area. The board members and attendees had an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification regarding the service.

  1. Downtown Tram Wrap Program (RC)

Resolution No. 07-2023 CRA was presented to the board for consideration. The resolution sought approval for the implementation of the Downtown Tram Wrap Program. The program aimed to increase the visibility of the trams, attract more riders, and promote micro-transit service in the downtown area. The board members discussed the potential benefits, costs, and the impact on the overall aesthetics of the city. After thorough deliberation, the board voted to approve the resolution unanimously.

  1. CRA Budget Amendment #03-2023 for FY 2023 (RC)

Resolution No. 06-2023 CRA was presented to the board, proposing Budget Amendment #03 to the FY 2023 CRA Budget. The amendment aimed to transfer funds from the CRA fund balance to allocate for wrapping the downtown trams. The funds would be utilized to increase the visibility of the trams, attract riders, and promote micro-transit service. The board members reviewed the budget amendment, discussed the financial implications, and evaluated the available funds. After careful consideration, the board voted in favor of the resolution, approving the budget amendment.

  1.  Discussion & Deliberation – Proposed Art/Vinyl Wrapping on Traffic Control Boxes within the City Limits

The board engaged in a discussion regarding the proposed art/vinyl wrapping on traffic control boxes within the city limits. The objective of this initiative was to enhance the aesthetic appeal of these boxes, making them visually pleasing elements in the cityscape. Various ideas and designs were presented, showcasing the potential of transforming these utilitarian structures into art pieces. The board members and attendees expressed their opinions and suggestions regarding the feasibility, costs, and potential benefits of implementing the art/vinyl wrapping. After a comprehensive discussion, the board agreed to further explore the possibilities and instructed the executive director to gather more information, including cost estimates and community input, before making a final decision.

  1.  Other Matters

During this segment, the board members briefly discussed upcoming events and initiatives related to the community redevelopment efforts. The executive director provided updates on ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities for community engagement.

  1. Adjournment

The Chairperson concluded the meeting, thanking all attendees for their participation. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Overall, the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting proved to be productive, with key decisions made regarding the Downtown Tram Wrap Program and the budget amendment. The discussion on the art/vinyl wrapping of traffic control boxes demonstrated a commitment to enhancing the city’s aesthetics and creating a visually appealing environment for residents and visitors alike.

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