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Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) – August 28, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: August 28, 2023
Time: 4:30 PM

Call to Order

Troy McDonald, the chair, declared the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting open at 4:30 p.m.

Roll Call

Mary R. Kindel, the city clerk, called the roll and made sure every board member was present.

Pledge of Allegiance

Everyone in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda

The board adopted the meeting’s agenda with a unanimous vote.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (Not Associated with the Agenda) Maximum 3 Minutes.

The general public was asked to offer feedback on subjects unrelated to the agenda. There were no remarks made at this meeting.


Members of the board discussed any updates or remarks unrelated to the agenda. Right now, none of the board members have anything to say.

Action Items

  1. Tram Program Action Plan

The TRAM (Transit Rapid Assessment and Monitoring) program action plan was presented. Following extensive discussion of the strategy, the board decided to approve the action plan with a unanimous vote.

  1. Presentation of the Applications for the Business Improvement Reimbursement Program for Fy 2023 Cycle #2.

The board was presented with applications for the FY 2023 Cycle #2 Business Improvement Reimbursement Program. After reviewing the applications, a decision was postponed until the following meeting to enable a more complete assessment.

  1. Authorization to Apply for FDEP Grant for Stypmann Neighborhood Drainage Improvements (RC):

In order to obtain permission to apply for the State Water Quality Assistance Grants (SWAG) and the Water Quality Improvements Grants (FDEP) for storm water improvements in the Stypmann Neighborhood, Resolution No. 13-2023 CRA was presented. There was unanimous approval of the resolution.

  1. Direction to Draft Budget Amendment for Expenses for Repair to Waterfront Restaurant (RC):

The presentation of Resolution No. 10-2023 CRA instructed staff to draft a budget amendment for the purpose of fixing the Waterfront Restaurant, which is situated at 131 SW Flagler Avenue in Stuart. There was unanimous approval of the resolution.

Staff Update

Pinal Gandhi-Savdas, the executive director of the CRA, gave a brief staff update on the agency’s ongoing projects and activities.

  • NEXT MEETING: The CRA will meet again at the same place on September 25, 2023 at 4:00 PM.

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