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Board of Adjustment (BOA) – August 24, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: August 24, 2023
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Ave.,
Stuart, Florida 34994

On August 24, 2023, at 5:30 PM, the Board of Adjustment met in the Commission Chambers at 121 SW Flagler Avenue in Stuart, Florida. The meeting’s objectives included discussing a number of administrative and variance request-related agenda items. Attending the meeting were the following people:

Call to Order:

Christina Vogl, the meeting’s chair, welcomed everyone and announced the agenda before calling the meeting to order.

Roll Call:

For Roll Call, the Board members were called. The quorum for the meeting was met because all members were present.

Pledge of Allegiance:

All attendees repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Oaths of Office for Two Advisory Board Members:

Two newly appointed advisory board members received their oaths of office, formally assuming their positions.

Approval of Agenda:

The Board was shown the meeting’s agenda for approval. The agenda was approved just as it was.

Approval of Minutes:

The previous Board of Adjustment meeting’s minutes dated July 27, 2023, were examined. The minutes were authorized and adopted following discussion.

Comments from the Public (Non-Agenda Related):

Public remarks that were not specifically relevant to the agenda issues were welcome. Each member of the public had a maximum of three minutes to express their opinions.

Comments by Board Members (Non-Agenda Items):

Board members have the chance to express any opinions or remarks on topics not on the formal agenda.

Action Items:

The main action item on the agenda was then discussed by the Board.

Item 3: Final Order of Variance Approval - Petition Number: Z23050002

Timothy Austin Anderson and Jennifer Rebecca Hauser, the applicants, put forth their request for a deviation from Section 2.04.04(A)(6)(a) of the Land Development Code. The variance requested approval to build a screen enclosure with a maximum encroachment of 11.5 feet, or within the minimum allowed 15-foot rear yard setback, for a total rear yard setback of 3.5 feet. The request also included a maximum 4.8-foot incursion into the minimum necessary 10-foot side yard setback, for a total side yard setback of 5.1 feet.

The Board debated the variance request after a thorough discussion and study of the proposed proposals. Issues were brought up and resolved, and the applicants clarified everything as needed. The Board compared the merits of the request with the rules in place and the needs of the neighborhood.

A motion to approve the variance request was made after the discussion. After the motion received a second, a vote was conducted. A majority vote granted the deviation request, with strict requirements for observance.

Staff Update:

Jodi Nentwick-Kugler, the development director, gave the board an update on ongoing initiatives, code changes, and pertinent advancements in the area.


All attendees were congratulated by conference chair Christina Vogl for their attendance and contributions. At 5:30 PM, the meeting was terminated.

The Board of Adjustment meeting was effective in dealing with the topics on the agenda and encouraging fruitful discussions among the board members, applicants, and the general public. The Board’s determination to strike a balance between individual property rights and the interests of the larger community was reflected in the variance request’s approval, which was an important decision. The Board hopes to ensure appropriate development within the jurisdiction and looks forward to next sessions.

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