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Regular Meeting of the Stuart City Commission

City of Stuart

Date: September 11, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Commission Chambers 121 SW Flagler Ave.
Stuart, Florida 34994

On September 11, 2023, at precisely 4:00 PM in the Commission Chambers at 121 SW Flagler Avenue, Stuart, Florida 34994, the regular meeting of the Stuart City Commission got underway. All city commissioners, including Mayor Troy McDonald, Vice Mayor Becky Bruner, Commissioner Eula R. Clarke, Commissioner Christopher Collins, and Commissioner Campbell Rich, were present when the meeting was called to order by City Clerk Mary R. Kindel. Paul J. Nicoletti, the temporary city attorney, and Michael J. Mortell, the city manager, were also present.

Roll Call:

At 4:00 PM, the meeting was called to order, and City Clerk Mary R. Kindel called for a roll call to ensure that all city commissioners, the mayor, vice mayor, city manager, and temporary city attorney were present.


There was an invocation before the Pledge of Allegiance was spoken.

  1. Arts Moment:

A performance called Arts Moment honored the area’s creative community.


There were the following declarations made:

  1. September 11, 2023: Patriot Day and Day of Service and Remembrance
  2. September 28, 2023, is the Treasure Coast Day of Prayer.
  3. September 24, 2023, is Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day.
  4. September 2023 will be Hunger Action Month.
  5. September 2023 will be Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
  6. October 1–7, 2023, is 4-H Week.


  1. Service Awards: Employees from the city who had shown exemplary devotion and commitment to the community were given service awards.
  2. Resilience Presentation: This item featured a presentation on the city’s activities and resilience measures.

Comments by City Commissioners:

City commissioners had the chance to give their opinions and the latest information on a variety of topics pertaining to their individual districts and city operations.

Comments by City Manager:

Michael J. Mortell, the city manager, offered updates on ongoing initiatives and projects.

Approval of Agenda:

All present agreed to the meeting’s agenda.

Comments from the Public (Non-Agenda Related):

On subjects not on the agenda for the meeting, the general public was invited to comment. A maximum of 3 minutes were allotted for each person to address the commission.

Consent Calendar:

  1. Approval of 08/28/2023 CCM Minutes: The last City Commission meeting’s minutes, which took place on August 28, 2023, were accepted.
  2. CRA Appointment for CRB Board Member Nikolaus Schroth (Resolution No. 89-2023):

Through Resolution No. 89-2023, Nikolaus Schroth was chosen to fill a vacancy on the board of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for the remainder of the current term, which runs from the present to December 31, 2023.

Commission Action:

  1. 342 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. – Revocable Permit (Resolution No. 81-2023):

A revocable permit for Magnifico Capital, LLC to use the public right-of-way for the pervious paving of the alleyway at 342 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. was granted by resolution no. 81-2023.

  1. Amending Appendix “A” (Resolution No. 63-2023):

It was decided to change several chapters of the city’s Code of Ordinances through Resolution No. 63-2023.

  1. Release and Termination of Contract with Goldstein Kite (Resolution No. 84-2023):

Resolution No. 84-2023 was approved, acknowledging the termination of the agreement for the Old City Landfill Property with Goldstein Kite Environmental Redevelopment Partners Stuart I, LLC.

  1. Selection of City Attorney and Negotiating of Contract:

The City Commission approved Resolution No. 90-2023, which appointed a City Attorney and ordered city officials to draft a contract.

Ordinance Second Reading:

  1. Wojnar – Abandonment of S.E. Ocean Avenue (Ordinance No. 2521-2023):

This ordinance, which calls for the abandonment of a number of city-owned public rights-of-way, was discussed. The privilege charge for leaving public property unattended was completely exempt.

Ordinance First Reading:

  1. Amending Chapter 26, Law Enforcement, Article II, and Chapter 28, Offenses, Article 1, of Code of Ordinances, Adding a New Section (Ordinance No. 2523-2023):

First reading of Ordinance No. 2523-2023, which makes changes to the Stuart City Code’s fee schedule and bans vandalism of public property, was conducted.

Discussion and Deliberation:

The commissioners engaged in discussion about various city issues and deliberated on significant issues.

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