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Regular City Commission Meeting in Stuart, Florida – July 10, 2023

City of Stuart

Date: July 10, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Ave,
Stuart, Florida 34994

On July 10, 2023, at 4:00 PM, the Regular City Commission Meeting Stuart, Florida in the commission chambers. Vice Mayor Becky Bruner, Commissioners Eula R. Clarke, Christopher Collins, and Campbell Rich, as well as Mayor Troy McDonald, presided over the meeting. Michael J. Mortell, the interim city manager, Paul J. Nicoletti, the interim city attorney, and Mary R. Kindel, the city clerk, were all in attendance.

Roll Call

To confirm the attendance of the City Commissioners and administrative personnel, a roll call was conducted before the meeting. All members were noted to be present.


An invocation was given in order to provide the City Commission’s proceedings with a moment of meditation and inspiration.

Pledge of Allegiance

As a show of solidarity and allegiance to the country, the guests repeated the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Arts Moment:
    Kerry Marraffino gave a demonstration of Crystal Sound Bowl Healing during the opening Arts Moment of the meeting, highlighting the value of the arts and culture in the community.


  1. 16th Annual Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup Week (July 15-23, 2023):

A proclamation honoring the 16th Annual Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup Week was made by the City Commission. The campaign aims to increase public awareness of the need to protect and clean up the local waterways and to encourage community participation in these efforts.

  1. Parks and Recreation Month (July 2023):

A proclamation was made in honor of Parks and Recreation Month (July 2023) to recognize the city’s commitment to providing recreational opportunities and green areas for the benefit of its citizens.


  1. Service Awards (July 2023):
    The City Commission recognized and honored staff members who hit key service milestones in July 2023, appreciating their commitment and services to the community.
  1. 360° Virtual Parks Tour:
    The City Commission recognized and honored staff members who hit key service milestones in July 2023, appreciating their commitment and services to the community.
  1. Kiwanis Park Check Presentation:
    A check presentation ceremony was held to recognize the Kiwanis Park’s kind donation in support of community improvement and youth programs.
  1. LOSOM and Water Conditions Update:
    The city’s efforts to successfully manage its water resources were highlighted in the update on the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) and the area’s current water conditions.

Comments by City Commissioners

Each City Commissioner got the chance to express their thoughts and worries about local issues, promoting open communication among the Commission members.

Comments by City Manager

Michael J. Mortell, the interim city manager, spoke before the Commission, updating them on existing projects and addressing any administrative problems.

Approval of Agenda

The meeting’s agenda was approved by the City Commission following discussion and any necessary modifications.

Comments from the Public

The general public was given the chance to express their ideas or worries on subjects unrelated to the agenda, with a three-minute speaking limit per individual.

Consent Calendar

  1. Approval of 06/23/2023 SCM Minutes and 06/26/2023 CCM Minutes (RC):
    The June 23, 2023, and June 26, 2023, meeting minutes were accepted by the Commission after they had been checked for accuracy.
  1. Amendment to Agency Cost Share Agreement – IRL Council (RC):
    The Commission approved Resolution No. 51-2023, which authorizes an update to the current cost-share agreement for the SE Illinois Avenue Living Shoreline Demonstration Project with the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) Council.

Commission Action

  1. Adopting the City of Stuart Strategic Plan (RC):
    Resolution No. 31-2023 was accepted, formally adopting the plan and giving the city manager the authority to incorporate its objectives, aims, and strategies into everyday operations.

Discussion and Deliberation


Meeting adjourned after a discussion of several important issues and plans for more meetings and initiatives to address the needs of the city.

On July 10, 2023, Regular City Commission Meeting in Stuart, FL efficiently addressed crucial neighborhood issues. The city’s dedication to protecting the environment, creating community interaction, and promoting recreation was highlighted through declarations, presentations, and conversations. The City’s Strategic Plan was adopted as a sign of its forward-looking approach to municipal government and growth. Assurances of ongoing development and cooperation between city officials and residents were given at the meeting’s conclusion.

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